Wednesday 8 February 2012

Barack Obama's Grandmother involved in an Accident


According to yahoo news
COMMENTARY | Sarah Obama, the 91-year-old step-grandmother of President Barack Obama, escaped with bruises and minor injuries after a car she was riding in rolled over in an accident on her way to her home in Kogelo, in western Kenya, according to the Associated Press.

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Obama has quite an extended family in Kenya, thanks to multiple marriages by the men in his family line. His grandfather, Obyango Obama, married at least twice. Obama is descended from the union of his grandfather and his first wife, Akumu, whose son, Barack Obama Sr., married Ann Dunham, an American student, shortly before Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
According to his account in "Dreams from My Father," Obama is close to Sarah Obama, whom he calls "Granny" even though they are not blood relatives. They have met several times, during his visits to Kenya or hers to the U.S. But as Obama's step-grandmother speaks little English, they have to communicate through an interpreter.
Sarah Obama spent some time at Aga Khan Hospital in Kisumu after the accident, but has since been discharged after undergoing tests.
According to an account during the 2008 campaign in the New York Times, Sarah Obama lives in a tin-roof bungalow that has no electricity or running water. She is illiterate and speaks the Luo tribal language as well as a little Swahili and even less English, She does have a cell phone, which she recharges with a solar cell, and a radio, which she uses to listen to BBC broadcasts early each morning.
Obama has a somewhat ambivalent relationship with most of his Kenyan relatives. He barely knew his father, Barack Sr., due to the fact that he had abandoned mother and son soon after the future president had married. The president has numerous cousins, step siblings, aunts, uncles, and other relatives living in Kenya with whom he has had limited contact.
Kenya, including Obama's relatives, are quite proud to have a favorite son, albeit one born in America, who has become president of the United States. Children and even livestock are frequently named after the current most powerful man in the world.

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