Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Picture of World's Largest Bra; Has A Size 1222B Cup


The makers of a stain removal product in England are showing their support for breast cancer research in the most titillating way possible: By making theworld's largest bra.
As part of a "Wear It Pink" campaign by the British-based Breast Cancer Campaign, the makers of Vanish stain remover, supported the creation of a brassiere big enough for a brontosaurus, according to

When it was finally unveiled on Oct. 28 at the ITV Southbank Tower, the pink bra -- which has a size 1222B cup -- measured nearly 102 feet around the chest.
If shrunk down to human proportions, the bra would fit a woman with a 34B bust.
Getting the bra ready for the big unveiling took at least four weeks by M Putt Sailmakers, which is actually in the business of making sails for ships, not bras for buildings, reported.

1 comment:

  1. This thing's crazy! I mean who's gonna wear this?


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