Power which remains one of the key sectors the Goodluck Administration has taken as a priority to fix has become very vital to the economic and technological advancement of the Nation, and the recent process of privatization of the sector, lays claim to another phase the sector is about to experience.
He made this statement while fielding questions in Islamabad, Pakistan during the D-8 summit of Leaders.
He said, ‘We have power projects that are going on, so before the end of second quarter, that is middle of next year, most of these projects would have been inaugurated and we will be evacuating and that time; quite a number of cities will begin to have 24 hour power supply’.
“When we get to that point, you will see that small scale enterprises will begin to make returns, and that is the way we can create jobs.”
“Currently, we are generating more than what our transmission capability can evacuate. We have over 1,000MW of power that we cannot evacuate because of the transmission infrastructure that has been weak over the years, and very recently, the government started the intervention.”
“We have intervened robustly in the power sector, and if you call back home, they will tell you that power is improving, and we have promised that we will stabilise power supply.
Various surveys on Business growth in Nigeria have linked the slow pace and potential of Small Medium enterprises to epileptic power supply, most Muliitinationals especially in the Oil and Gas and Telecommunications sector have complained of spending huge budgets on generating their own power supply.
President Jonathan also in a meeting with Nigerians living in Pakistan, regretted the devastating floods that hit some parts of the Nation, stating that it had impeded the economic development , but was optimistic that Nigeria will bounce back.
Ever since the roadmap summit on Power held in Lagos State in 2010 with President Goodluck Jonathan and Governor Fashola in attendance, the Federal Government has engaged the private sector and also through the Lagos State initiatiive designed a framework for unbundle the sector to ensure efficiency.
With these statement it is believed that if 24 hour steady power supply is achieved in some cities in the Country by Mid 2013 Nigerians after many years of groaning in darkness and poor power supply, will begin to move from cynicism to the hope that things can starting working in the Count
That's what we were told some Ten years ago! All na wash! :(