Social network giants Facebook announced on Thursday, October 4, 2012 that it has hit a billion active accounts. An extraordinary feat
for the social network which launched in February 2004 – eight years ago.
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What’s more important though is the number of friendships made on the social networking website in the last eight years- a whopping 140.3 billion. And the number could have been more; but there is a standard limit of friends a user can have, being 5000.
Congrats Mark Zukerberg!
Here are some other interesting facts of Facebook as at October 2012.
- 44 per cent of Internet users are signed to Facebook
- Facebook has 600 mobile users
- The top five countries that use Facebook are (in ascending order) – USA, Brazil, India, Indonesia and Mexico.
- There are 1.13 trillion Facebook likes
- There are 219 billion photos uploaded on Facebook
- 62.6 million songs have been played 22 million times on Facebook
- There are 17 billion location-tagged posts including check-ins on Facebook
- The average age of a facebook user is 22
Statistics made available by Facebook Newsroom.
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