Wednesday 12 October 2011


1. Make eye contact with the other person. If he or she doesn't look into your eyes, that may not be a good sign; but there's no need to call it off just yet. (This point depends highly on the other person's personality. she or he can feel overwhelmed if she or he is a shy person)
 2. Go up and talk to him or her. If he/she fidgets and looks away from you, then its a sign that he/she may not be interested or she/he might just be nervous.

  3. Dance with the other person if possible. If he/she looks away from you and talks to another person, then he/she may not be interested, or may not be having fun.

4. Go out with a group of friends including him or her. If this person stays close to you throughout the night, and talks with you a lot, this may be a sign they are interested.

5. Ask him/her. If all else fails, and you really need to know the other person's feelings, you may have to come right out and ask. Just be prepared for disappointment if it doesn't work out.

6. The only way to know if someone really loves you, is if they accept you for everything that you are. Nothing more and nothing less. No one is perfect but true love accepts the imperfections and your habits

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